
The Role of Us Architects in the Climate Crisis

İklim krizi çağımızın en önemli sorunlarından birisidir. Etkisini her geçen gün arttırmaktadır. Ülkemizde yaşanan orman yangınları, sel felaketleri, kuraklık belki ...

Contemporary Architectural Practices Book

Our ME House project has been published in the book “Contemporary Architecture Practices”, a joint work of Istanbul Free Architects ...

Çelik Yapılar Conversation

Dünyayı Kadınlar Değiştirecek." Sevdiğim ve inandığım bu slogandan hareketle bu sayıda güçlü bir kadın mimarımızla gerçekleştirdik çelik yapı sohbetlerimizi. Çağla ...

Bilateral Business Negotiations

The “Bilateral Business Negotiations” event, where Istanbul Freelance Architects Association brought together building sector companies and architecture offices, was held ...

Çanakkale Soyalan House

We wish our dear friends to live peaceful and healthy in their new home with our tiny touches for the ...

Artistic works in the collage technique

Çağla Akyürek continues her artistic activities in the collage technique.

Bilgi University Arch201

İstanbul Bilgi University Faculty of Architecture Arch 201 Architectural Design – Along Göksu river

Bodrum Gündoğan

Located in Bodrum Gündoğan, the building, which consists of two independent sections, 3-storey 5+1 and 2+1, has found its new ...

High Values ​​of Architectural Conditions

NG Magazine / Issue: 45 / Page: 32-33 Click for the news link.